I have been doing a little house cleaning, so it was only right that I get my sewing area back in shape. I may still have to move the boxes under my table and of course I really need a better chair (my chair is being used at the computer desk). I am thinking of more storage containers like I have in the background. As you can see my new Serger is still in the box. My class is a week from tomorrow and I didn't want to mess with it until I have learned what to do with it. I haven't been sewing for a while and I don't want to quit from frustration before I begin.
I am thinking I might need to add another table too. Now that my sewing room is organized again. I have also organized my arts & crafts supplies from Girl Scouts that I have been collecting for the last two years. I am in the organizing mood lately, can't stand to have it all cluttered anymore.