Ok, I have not been sewing for the last couple years like I had or would like to be. As in past posts I have mentioned that the well has run dry for me and I can't seem to find a fill up tank. But for the last six weeks I have been on medical leave from work due to a neck problem which is probably turning out to be a pinched nerve. I will be seeing the neck specialist on the sixth. Anyway, one of the problems was numbness in my thumb and hand. So even if I wanted to sew, this was really putting the breaks on any sewing work I might like to do. Lately, through physical therapy I am feeling better and so I decided to try by sewing the most recent patches my kids have earned through scouts on their vests. After finishing that I was looking at a pile of scraps from my two projects made in my serger class and started cutting up 3 1/2 inch squares of the above fabric. Now I am waiting for ideas to come to me. I sure wish they would hurry and come to me as I will have to go back to work soon and then who knows when I will have time to sew again.
Quilty Pleasures at Quiltville Inn!
12 hours ago