Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New Additions

I finally did some retail therapy.
And came home with all of the above. The top picture is of fabric that I bought for quilting, and the second picture is fabric that I bought for bags.
I have yet to work with it and was thinking of getting to it after cookie season, but that of course coincided with spring house cleaning and the kids school break, so it is still sitting in a pile waiting for me to make something fabulous with it.
I hope I am up to the challenge. HAHAHA

1 comment:

Photography said...

Hi there!! I am your friends Partner It's My first time in a swap - very excited - I see you have done it before so you are old hat at it lol! :-) My blog is linked to the little pic if you want to stop by. I'll email you when i get a chance too Kind regards!!