Awhile back I entered the Friends Swap that Khris at Sew Prim Khris holds each year, where I met Vanessa (The Clip Cafe). She and I really seemed to hit it off. We swapped stories of our lives with each other as well as cool gifts. And we still keep in touch. In my previous post I had stated that she must of really got me, because the things she sent me really were me.
Fast forward to two weeks ago and the doorbell rings, the postman has a package for me and who do you think it was from? Yup it was from Vanessa, that special person had sent me new things to ooh and aah over.
Unfortunately, I have been a bad friend (I should have to sit in the time out corner) I received these wonderful items two weeks ago, just as Girl Scout Cookie season was getting into full steam. I have been so busy with my duties as the Booth Coordinator as well as the cookie mom for my troop, that I spend the day making sure stores are happy with the scouts that visit them and making sure that I have enough product for my troops booths, and then I get to go work them. I only have to survive until March 20th, but it seems to be creeping up on me very fast.
So Vanessa, I am SO SORRY I did not get this on until now. I love everything and of course you shouldn't have.
Hey there stranger...nice to see you around....hope all is going well for you...hugs Khris
You are funny! I hope you liked it all. How is puppy going??
I'm slowly getting your FRIENDS 2011 package together and will have it off to you on time! Hope you like it.
lovely gifts,lucky you
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