Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Friends Swap Package Here

I received my box from my partner Amanda She had stated that she was not going to open her package that I sent her until I received mine. I emailed her the other day to let her know that it had arrived so we could open our presents together.

I think we had the same calling on fabric during this swap, as she sent me the place mats and used colors similar to the ones I sent her. I love the Christmas fabric and am trying to decide how I am going to use it to the best advantage. She also fed my reading bug. Can't wait to sit by the fire with a warm cup of tea and do some light reading. I think the neck warmer will come in very handy, as our fall days are starting to turn colder.

Thank you Amanda, your gifts are greatly appreciated and loved and I am glad to have met a friend like you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! Glad it got there. I'm only just home today so will open mine soon.