Monday, December 15, 2008

Nothing New to Report

Well, there is nothing new to report on the sewing front. I am still working on some hand work. Not sure if I like the outcome or not. We are our own worst critics they say and that may very well be true. I have also been doing a lot of baking for treat giveaways to friends and the house is as decorated as it will get. I went very minimal this year and tried not to bring everything out as it would be easier to put away less. Plus it seems that I spend my days off cleaning the house and doing things with the kids since I don't have time on work days. I am lucky if I see my kids sometimes right now, When I work the 2-11 shift, I am never home when they are awake. Boy, I miss being the stay at home mom. I think I will keep trying to work on the hand piecing and I did pick up a pattern at JoAnn's during Black Friday and thought I might try to tackle making pajama pants. My kids love wearing them and since they have tons of t-shirts they really need the pants.

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