Well, I did not get my machine today after all. I went to JoAnns to purchase it, however they were out and it needed to be special ordered. I was OK with that, what can you do right. The problem started when the clerk tried to special order it. She was not familiar with the correct procedure of ringing up this type of sale. First she couldn't remember how to get to the order screen, then when it rang up at the regular price she had trouble changing the price. Twice she had to start the order all over and then when she did get to the correct screen to change the price to $249.99, she kept coming up with the price of $2.49. Would have been a great price but, being a sales clerk myself, I could not let her finish the sale incorrectly, so I told her I would come back later once she was able to complete the sale correctly.
So, the family and I went to dinner at Olive Garden and since we had an extra hour before my Leader meeting, we decided to go to Best Buy and look at new computers. This one has been shutting down on its own lately and we are worried that the hard drive maybe going. We looked at several models and they were having some great deals so we bought a new one, of course this in itself was a feat in patience. I swear the Best Buy in my area has the worst customer service in the world. We stood there for 35 minutes waiting for someone to let us pay for the model we chose. Then the clerk, although nice, took the next 20 minutes completing our purchase, so need less to say by the time we finished paying and I got the family home and got to my meeting I was 15 minutes late. I hate to be late, I keep notes on our meetings and if I miss anything there is no one that gets the notes for me.
Needles to say, I do not know why people are not giving the best service they can in these hard times. You would think they would want to take your money as fast as they could.
Quilty Pleasures at Quiltville Inn!
1 day ago
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