Saturday, November 5, 2011

Time Sure Does Fly By.......

Eighteen years ago today,
my wonderful oldest daughter
decided to grace this world.

She was three days late,
one hour in easy labor,
and 30 minutes in hard labor after I got to the hospital,
she was placed into my arms.

Since then she has been a joy to her father and I.
It's hard to think our little 7 lb 4 ounce baby girl
is all grown up now.

Love you babe.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Blast from the Past

While I am waiting for my chicken to cool down so
I can pull it apart,
I thought I would post something from the past.

I made this quilt for my son's Kindergarden teacher 9 years ago.

I sent home the block with each child in the class and asked them to decorate them and I put them together and we presented it to her on the last day of school.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Friends Swap Package Here

I received my box from my partner Amanda She had stated that she was not going to open her package that I sent her until I received mine. I emailed her the other day to let her know that it had arrived so we could open our presents together.

I think we had the same calling on fabric during this swap, as she sent me the place mats and used colors similar to the ones I sent her. I love the Christmas fabric and am trying to decide how I am going to use it to the best advantage. She also fed my reading bug. Can't wait to sit by the fire with a warm cup of tea and do some light reading. I think the neck warmer will come in very handy, as our fall days are starting to turn colder.

Thank you Amanda, your gifts are greatly appreciated and loved and I am glad to have met a friend like you.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Friends Swap

Every year my friend Khris from Sew Prim Khris has a swap.  I of course wouldn't miss it for the world.  You really meet a lot of nice people in this swap.

So Amanda your presents are on they way, of course I had to stand on a chair to get a picture of all of them without getting the words that are on the tags.

And I can assure you that the shoes in the corner are not coming your way.  
 Although I could send the animal if you really want her.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Off to the Races

You know how you get an idea to start something and you think
" I'll have this done in no time"

But then you realise that it is taking longer for your vision to come out right.

Well that is were I am at.

I joined the friends swap again that my friend Khris (Sew Prim Khris) throws together.
And of course I tried to come up with a great idea for my swap partner Amanda

Now I was trying to be creative, (maybe that was my first mistake) so I found a pattern block I thought I would work with.
I get half of the block pattern done  and realise my next mistake was this would take longer then I thought. (picture-scraps are just from this one block)

So I make adjustments to this block that I feel comfortable with and continue on my way.

Now I just have to finish it in time to send it off.  Hence the title of today's post. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Latest Project

First I started with four years of class t-shirts,

I cut them apart and used both the front and back logos

so I was sure to have enough squares,

Added a Varsity Letter for the center piece

then you add the lattice and borders in the school colors

I put it all together, and added some embroidery of sports that she played throughout her High School career, sew it and quilt it together,

(I used a follow the lines paper tear off from Quilting Made easy)

And you end up with a lovely quilt that your graduating senior

will be proud to show her friends.

This is what I have been working on since

the end of March,

and I finished it the night before the grad party.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

This is WAYYYYYYYY Overdue.

Aren't these the grestest gifts in the world?

Awhile back I entered the Friends Swap that Khris at Sew Prim Khris holds each year, where I met Vanessa (The Clip Cafe). She and I really seemed to hit it off. We swapped stories of our lives with each other as well as cool gifts. And we still keep in touch. In my previous post I had stated that she must of really got me, because the things she sent me really were me.
Fast forward to two weeks ago and the doorbell rings, the postman has a package for me and who do you think it was from? Yup it was from Vanessa, that special person had sent me new things to ooh and aah over.
Unfortunately, I have been a bad friend (I should have to sit in the time out corner) I received these wonderful items two weeks ago, just as Girl Scout Cookie season was getting into full steam. I have been so busy with my duties as the Booth Coordinator as well as the cookie mom for my troop, that I spend the day making sure stores are happy with the scouts that visit them and making sure that I have enough product for my troops booths, and then I get to go work them. I only have to survive until March 20th, but it seems to be creeping up on me very fast.
So Vanessa, I am SO SORRY I did not get this on until now. I love everything and of course you shouldn't have.